Welcome to my little world. In this section, you’ll find some of the weird stuff that comes out of my brain. Here, you’ll find articles and opinion pieces, some of my fiction, and a few of my poems. I’ll tell you what’s going on in my world, tell you a story, sing you a song, or give you my opinion on stuff that probably has nothing to do with anything. It’s my world, beware.
My first true love as a writer is fiction. I love coming up with new characters and scenarios that grab the readers’ attention and refuses to let go. No, I can’t say everything I write does this, but I have had a few tales published that gave my readers the heebie-jeebies. That’s so much fun for me.
I also write a lot of poetry, but I rarely share it. I am getting better, but I was once told that it was obvious I was an amateur and shouldn’t give up my day job. It was like getting kicked in the face and I didn’t share my poetry again for years. Since I started writing for Medium.com, I’ve gotten better about not caring what the rest of the world thought of my work. Surprisingly, a few people actually liked them.
I’ll also do a few freewrites, post some writing prompts, review a few sites that have nothing to do with writing, and talk about my other interests besides writing. You never know what I’ll throw in this section. I’m not even sure what I’ll find here. This is just going to be the place I go when I need something different.
Want to have some fun? Send me some of your own writing prompts to see which direction my brain runs. Send me an email to crgraves@gravespublications.com with the word Prompts in the subject line. Give me some new ideas, a piece of dialogue, or just a random group of words. If you send me something and I write about it, I’ll make sure to give you the credit and link to a website or product of your choice.
Come on. Let’s see where this thing goes.