Authors work hard to create worlds where the rest of us can get lost. They give us new realities, alternate universes, and the truth behind the real stories. Now, I want to give them a place to shine. I want to showcase some of those who have found the key to another world and let them shine.
In this section, I’ll tell you about the people behind the stories. I’ll check out their author websites, their Goodreads and Allauthors accounts, and wherever else they happen to try and market themselves. I’ll tell you about anything they’ve previously published, their latest releases, and any WIP they might have.
I know how hard it is to get people to find you in a sea of bigger fish. I’ve been writing for more than 40 years and I’m still swimming in the minnow pond. I want to give other authors a chance to find their way to bigger and better things, and I want the world to know that these are just regular people doing what they love.
If you’re an author who’d like to be featured, or if you have a favorite author you’d love to see, let me know. Send me an email at with the word Author in the subject line. I’d love to stop by and get to know you better. I’ll do all I can to help you achieve the exposure you need to move to the next level. I’m not an expert, but I still want to see you reach your goals.
I’ve read some amazing stories over the past several years. I’m always in awe of those who can put together a story in such a way as to carry the reader off into another world. Let’s go meet a few, shall we?