When I brought this site back to life, I wanted to make sure to add a section strictly for authors. I’ve always been in awe of those who had the ability to write full-length novels. I’m doing good if I can complete a novella. I’m a short-fiction/flash-fiction kinda girl.
I ran across J.G. MacLeod on Twitter as I was going through the #ShamelessSelfPromoSunday tweets. I’m not going to lie, it’s one of the ways I come across some really cool writing sites. You never know what’s out there until you go hunting for it. Honestly, I’ve found some really cool spaces and people.
J.G. MacLeod has written and published eight novels to date. With degrees in both English and history, she’s taken her love for the written word to new heights. Her 2019 novel, The Future Bride, was a finalist in the Independent Author Network’s Book of the Year award. The prequel to this novel, The Past Love, received a QI award in romance in 2022 from QueerIndie.com.
Beyond her writing career, you can find J.G. through her Fiverr account. She offers her services in reading novellas and novels up to 60K words. She puts all of her education and experience to work in delivering a complete and honest report. It’s important to remember, however, that she is booked up through the end of February.
When not pouring herself into her work, J.G. enjoys spending time with her family in Canada and has a passion for traveling. If you really want to get on her good side, get her a cup of salted-caramel hot chocolate. I may have to go find some of that for myself. Sounds amazing. To find out more about J.G. MacLeod, you can find her on Goodreads or through her Amazon Author’s Page.
If you enjoy historical romance, I’m sure you’re going to love J.G. MacLeod and her catalog of publications. Whether you’re in the mood for suspense or romantic comedy, she’s got you covered.
Thank you J.G. for allowing me to tell the world about you and your talents. I thoroughly enjoyed researching your work.
Both the header image and the author’s image are the sole property of J.G. MacLeod and were used in this post with her permission. These images may NOT be used outside this publication without Ms. MacLeod’s expressed permission. All rights reserved.