A Novel Idea came about when I did a few Book Blog Tours. I found several other blogs that were doing blog tours and I thought it was a cool idea. Several blogs all write about the same book and author, giving that person as much exposure as possible. I’m all about doing what I can to help others reach their dreams, so I did a few of these posts. I found out quickly that it’s also a great way to gain exposure for your own site. Hmmm, good to know.
As I went on, I realized that there was more to the publishing process than I thought. It’s not just about writing the story and throwing it to the wolves. There are editors, agents, book clubs, depositories, and so much more. That’s when I decided that I wanted to create a place where you could find all that information without having to scan the entire web. And trust me, that takes a hell of a lot of time.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with a few of these places, especially the book tour sites and a couple of the editorial services. Though I’ve never had a full-length novel published, I know it takes more than just an active imagination. If it were that easy, I’d be a kabillionaire.
If you have a book tour site or know of some great resources that you’d like to see added, send me an email at crgraves@gravespublications.com with Novel Idea in the subject line. I can use all the help I can get. I’ve got several ideas on what to add but you might have an idea I hadn’t even considered.
I want this section to be a huge resource for anyone wanting to write their first, fifth, or fiftieth novel. I want to add information on marketing, free ways to gain exposure, people to talk to, and places to go. I wish I’d had a place like this to turn to when I started my online journey. Think of where I might be today.