Hey kids. I hope you’re all doing well. I’ve been working on a new endeavor. I’m teaching myself how to do videos. Yes, the old broad has finally decided to step outside of her comfort zone and make some videos. It’s not been pretty.
So, here’s the thing. I have a hard time watching myself on film (digital?). I’ve never been the type to do selfies or videos or any of that kind of thing. I grew up being told that putting yourself out there for the whole world to see was vanity and that was a sin and…OMG. Little did the old folks know that this would become such a big thing.
However, I have created my own YouTube channel. I don’t have anything set to public on there yet. I’ve only done one video that I didn’t end up deleting, but I’m working on that. Once I get myself to a point where I won’t feel like the weird kid in class, I’ll make them public.
My original plan was to make these videos as part of the paid subscription for my Substack Newsletter. I’ve been really trying to get that off the ground. I posted Issue 2 on the 19th, and I’m hoping to have Issue 3 out sometime around the first of February.
However, I don’t have any paying subscribers…yet. So I’ve decided to do a few videos for the free version and as soon as I get a couple of paid subscribers, I’ll make special videos just for them. Why keep all the fun to myself, right?
I’m also working on learning how to do podcasts. Now, I’ve done podcasts in the past but because of personal issues, it didn’t pan out. I want to get back into those. I’m thinking of digging into my vast supply of stories and poetry I’ve never published and reading them on the podcast. I’m learning how to add background noises and all that right now. I’m pretty excited about that.
My biggest issue with doing these videos is the sound of my voice. I spent years being told that I had a voice, only silent movies could love. I’d heard recordings of my own voice and it freaked me out. Of course, I was young and didn’t understand what “headtones” meant.
I’ll keep plugging along. I’ll post the link at the bottom of this post, but please keep in mind that this is my first video and I cuss like a sailor. This has some mild “adult” language, but I did manage to keep it to a relative minimum. It’s actually just me getting used to looking into a camera and finding my voice.
If you would like to check it out, the video is here and my YouTube channel is here. Please remember, it’s my first time. Be gentle. Better yet, follow me and see where my goofy butt ends up. You never know, this could at least be good for a laugh.
Okay, kids. That’s it for today. I hope I’ll see you all soon and if you’re bored, check out the Substack newsletter and see what’s going on across the board.
Until next time,
Happy Writing!!!
Christine Graves has been writing for more than 30 years. She runs several blogs including Priestess of Words, Collected Keepsakes, and Mystic Realms, all of which are part of her company, Graves Publications. She also writes for a platform called Medium.com, in which she runs a few publications.
Christine is also an avid crafter and multi-media artist. She runs two online stores. Prairied Treasures is where she showcases her handmade greeting cards and other multi-media art, and Pathways through the Past is where she sells her AI art creations on a wide variety of products.
If you’d like to stay up to date with everything she’s got going on, you can sign up for her Graves Publications newsletter.